Col. Don Burton focuses on continuous improvement

Col. Burton
Mission Area
Susan McGovern, PEO EIS Strategic Communication Directorate
February 2, 2021

Col. Don Burton, project manager for Defense Integrated Business Systems (DIBS), leads a team of 345 people who develop and sustain Army enterprise-wide financial business systems.

Last year, his team migrated the Army’s General Fund Enterprise Business System to the cloud. The transition was completed seven months ahead of schedule with the support of several industry and government partners. “It was a herculean task and a great team effort,” Burton said. “Everyone put both oars in the water and rowed together.”

A native of Nashville, Georgia, Burton decided to join the Army after taking an elective Reserve Officers’ Training Corps course at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU). “In that first course, we rappelled down a wall,” Burton said. “Because I am an adrenaline junkie, I was hooked.”

Burton, today’s #PEOEISTeammateTuesday, answered questions about his values, life and career.

How do you welcome new teammates to DIBS?
We have an entrance interview with every new team member. We tell them that they are a fresh set of eyes and, as a valuable member of our team, we value their input. We encourage them to let us know how we can improve. They may have insights from their previous experience that can enhance what we do at DIBS.

DIBS focuses on continuous improvement. There is always room for improvement.

Do you have any book recommendations?
I recommend “It’s Your Ship” by Captain Abrashoff, commander of the USS Benfold. Abrashoff transformed the culture on his ship by empowering his crew to make decisions. The captain didn’t require his crew to run every decision up the flagpole for his approval. As a result, his ship became a model for efficiency.

What do you do to relax?
I love music. My favorite group is New Edition. I enjoy hip hop, R&B, gospel, jazz and some country music. For gospel, I love Kurt Franklin. Spending summers in Nashville with my grandparents, I listened to a lot of Charlie Pride.

When I deployed to Kosovo, I co-hosted a radio show with a friend, and I was the DJ. Our show became quite popular and made us local celebrities.

Why have you succeeded in your career?
By the grace of God, I was put in the right place and surrounded by great teammates.

I am a good listener. Some leaders believe that if you rank below them, your thoughts and words are not important. I don’t believe that. Everyone has a valued opinion.

What is the best advice you received or gave?
If you take care of your Soldiers and civilians, they will take care of you.

What do you consider the most valuable virtue?

What are you for or against?
I am for equality and inclusion regardless of race, gender or religion.

I don't tolerate disrespect. And what I mean by that is: I speak up. When I was a first lieutenant, one of my commanding officers cursed at me. I politely and respectfully asked him not to curse at me because I didn't appreciate it and thought it was unnecessary. He respected my request.

Respect the golden rule: treat others as you would have them treat you. Respect goes both ways.

What gave you the guts to stand up to a superior?
My mom is an excellent role model. She imparted in me a strong faith in God. The Bible says, “No weapon against me shall prosper.” I do not do anything with mal-intent. If I am trying to do the right thing and someone is trying to prevent me from achieving it, I pray on it, and prayer works.

Who is your hero?
My grandfather, Elihue, is my hero. He was the epitome of a go-getter. He did everything he could to support his family, including working in a factory, cutting grass, repairing cars, raising crops, etc. He taught me the value of hard work and the importance of a hard-earned dollar.

How would you like to be remembered?
I would like to be remembered as a man who cared for people, would offer a hand to assist wherever possible and never did anything to intentionally harm or hurt anyone.

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