AMIS Support European Activity Set

Tactical Vehicles with RFID tags attached at EAS-Mannheim. (Photo by Charles Soodavar, AMIS/RF-ITV II contractor)
Mission Area
AMIS Communications/Operations Team
April 14, 2017

In Europe, Automated Movement and Identification Solutions (AMIS) provides support to U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR) for Operations Atlantic Resolve and European Activity Set.

What is Atlantic Resolve?

Atlantic Resolve is a demonstration of continued U.S. commitment to collective security through a series of actions designed to reassure North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies and partners of America’s dedication to enduring peace and stability in the region. Since April 2014, USAREUR has led land forces efforts on behalf of the U.S. military by conducting continuous, enhanced multinational training and security cooperation activities with allies and partners in Eastern Europe. These multinational training and security cooperation activities are taking place in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary. The training events improve interoperability, strengthen relationships and trust among allied armies, contribute to regional stability and demonstrate U.S. commitment to NATO.

What is European Activity Set?

In fiscal year 2017, the European Reassurance Initiative is funded at $3.4 billion, most of which will be earmarked for Army operations to reassure allies. With only about 30,000 Soldiers in Europe to counter Russia’s actions today compared to roughly 300,000 against the Soviet Union in the Cold War days, the additions next year will allow the region to be more prepared. “That’s how we make 30,000 look like 300,000,” said LTG Frederick Benjamin “Ben” Hodges, commanding general, USAREUR. “We are an economy of force, but the Army is going to spend a ton of money helping us get that capability back over in Europe.”

USAREUR has identified locations in Europe as European Activity Set and Army Prepositioned Stock – 2 sites, which are strategically prepositioned vital stocks in Europe that reduce the deployment response times of the modular, expeditionary Army. AMIS will provide Radio Frequency In-Transit Visibility (RF-ITV) tracking in support of this initiative. The four locations have been identified for RFITV implementation are Mannheim, Germany; Dulmen, Germany; Eygelshoven, Netherlands and Zutendaal, Belgium. Currently, five Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) read nodes have been installed between Mannheim and Eygelshoven and site surveys have been completed in Dulmen and Zutendaal. Since installation, these five nodes have read nearly 5,000 tags. AMIS contract support engineers and USAREUR G4 continue to provided exceptional support to this very important mission.

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